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Areas of interest

Psychology Strategic Management

About ad Mutare

ad Mutare is Latin for Change to...! This name has been chosen since every form of training and coaching is letting go, creating space for other perspectives and moving from there towards something “different”. Change is not only a matter of time, knowledge, ability and behavior, but also of willpower, decisiveness and courage. Looking to your past in the form of nurture & nature, your contemporary environment and your future.

All previous facets give you the greatest possible certainty that change is possible, for you as well! ad Mutare has the following coaching & training: personal - team - executive coaching and change-sales/advice- management training.

Contact information

8th April 2024

The time has finally come; you will start the employment process. Exciting first meetings, unknown expectations, little knowledge of ... and yet you want to show your best self. Not the easiest period in your life, but one in which you will learn quickly and discover and develop yourself even more.

Topics we will discuss include:

* What is desirable behavior in the workplace? Working extra, 4 days a week, etc.?

* How do I achieve a balance in making choices for myself and for my work?

* How do I deal with stress and maintain an overview?

* What are the pitfalls in the first months of my work?

* Learning to no / assertiveness

* What you want to know....

Activity information
Type Training Day
Registration: First come first serve
Available places: 30
Language: Dutch
Exclusively for Dutch students
Date: 08-04-2024
Time: 15:15 - 17:00
Location: Tilburg University
CV required No
Dress code: Business Casual